When an adventurer improves their stats or skills, it is an advancement. Some of these advancements require spending The fallback content to display on prerendering during the The fallback content to display on prerendering Gain Advancements step. Some game effects also trigger an advancement opportunity.
Increase an Attribute
You can increase an attribute by spending the required The fallback content to display on prerendering cost to add a stat token or skill die to an open square slot in that attribute's row. Each additional token or die must be added to the open square slot that is closest to the side of the row with that attribute's circular token. The attribute cost for an open slot is shown at the top of that slot's column. When increasing an attribute from the left side of the row, use the attribute cost in the white box. When increasing an attribute from the right side, use the attribute cost in the black box. If any of that skill line's dice are in the The fallback content to display on prerendering (or The fallback content to display on prerendering), the cost is equal to that of the rightmost (or leftmost) open slot the new die would be placed in if all of that line's dice were available.
Add a Skill Die
To add a skill die, you must have trained that The fallback content to display on prerendering, either when creating your adventurer or by visiting a trainer as a The fallback content to display on prerendering action. To add a skill die of levels 2–4, you must also have at least 1 other skill die in the same line that is either the same level as, or 1 level below, the new skill die. For example, to add a level 3 Bow skill die, you must also have at least one level 2 or level 3 Bow skill die currently added to your adventurer mat. If you have added a skill die to your attribute rows, that die is referred to as trained.
Increase Cooldown Stat
You can increase your The fallback content to display on prerendering stat by moving your peg to the next open slot along your The fallback content to display on prerendering. To do so, you must spend a number of The fallback content to display on prerendering equal to your new Cooldown stat value, which is printed above the next slot. For example, to increase your Cooldown stat to 3, you must spend 3 XP. You must increase your Cooldown stat one slot at a time, but you may increase it multiple times during the same The fallback content to display on prerendering if you have enough XP.
Increase Tenacity
You can increase your current The fallback content to display on prerendering. To do so, you must spend 1 The fallback content to display on prerendering. Note: This increases tenacity available to spend and is not a permanent increase. If your unspent XP exceeds 3 at the end of the The fallback content to display on prerendering Gain Advancements step, that excess XP must be spent to increase tenacity (if able) or it is lost.
Promote your Class
You can flip your The fallback content to display on prerendering sheet to its master side; this advancement is called a promotion. To do so, you must meet the requirement on the sheet's novice side, which is often an achievement that happens during a battle. When this happens, you immediately gain that advancement and can flip your class sheet.
Add a Skill Line
You can add a new skill line to an open circular slot at the side of one of your attribute rows. To do so, you must visit a trainer during a The fallback content to display on prerendering encounter and choose a faceup skill line token there. The new skill line must be placed in an open circular slot at the left or right end of a row.
Add Magicka Stat
Unlike your other circular stat tokens, you may untrain your The fallback content to display on prerendering stat. If you have untrained your Magicka stat, you can also add it again as if it were a skill line by visiting any trainer.