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Pet Icon Pet

Pets protect The fallback content to display on prerendering from a number of harmful effects in Tamriel. However, each time the adventurer resolves a Pet Icon ability, they must add an HP chip on top of the Pet Icon card. A Pet Icon with HP chips on it must be discarded after its HP limit is reached or the session ends. These chips cannot be removed unless an ability specifically refers to them. A Pet Icon may be placed in your pack when gained, but once it is placed in a ready slot, it cannot go back into your pack.


What if a game effect forces a pet back into your pack?

Once a pet has been placed in a ready slot, it cannot go back into your pack. If a game effect forces you to put a pet into your pack, you must instead The fallback content to display on prerendering it. One such game effect that might force this is the Native enemy skill The fallback content to display on prerendering in The fallback content to display on prerendering.
