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As flamboyant as they are clever, the feline "beast-folk" of The fallback content to display on prerendering are the subject of much speculation and rumor, none of which they're particularly interested in debunking. Their cat-like reflexes and grace make them naturals in the art of creative acquisition, and their unique, lunar-focused religious beliefs permeate their way of life โ€” notably through the use of moon sugar, a powerful narcotic grown from cane grasses native to their homeland. After the Khajiiti population was endangered by the spread of the Knahaten Flu, Elsweyr joined the Aldmeri Dominion to seek more political stability in a treacherous world.

Ability [Cutpurse]: Once per battle, you may automatically succeed at a lockpick check without rolling any dice. Then, move up to 5 hexes.

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