๐๏ธ Daedric Summoning
Associated Stat: Magicka
๐๏ธ Destruction Staff
Associated Stat: Magicka
๐๏ธ Illusion
Illusion dice are used in a number of ways, and each has specific rules. They are most often placed as status counters or effects on enemies, allies, empty hexes, etc. Illusion skill dice still in play at the end of battle are exhausted.
๐๏ธ Light Armor
Light Armor focuses on enhancing magic-based playstyles through the use of counters placed in adventurer's active slots. When a skill die's value would reduce to a number not printed on the die, it is exhausted. You may choose not to exhaust active Light Armor dice at the end of battle, allowing them to persist between encounters.
๐๏ธ Restoring Light
Associated Stat: Magicka