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Acrobatics Acrobatics

The Acrobatics line is unique in that its effects are all active while the line's dice are placed in your cooldown track. When exhausting Acrobatics skill dice outside of your engage actions, place them in your cooldown track with a Tenacity Icon result showing.

Associated Stat: Stamina

Required Battle Form: None

Level 1

Fleet Phantom

Dice Supply: 2

Cooldown Track Icon: While this die is in our cooldown track, you may move up to X hexes at the start of your turn.

Can I use Fleet Phantom to get adjacent to an Elusive enemy and be eligible to damage it?

Fleet Phantom specifically grants its movement during start of turn. If a unit uses Fleet Phantom to get adjacent to an enemy with Elusive, it is considered to have been adjacent at the start of turn and any damage the adventurer deals is not prevented by Elusive.


Level 2

Rapid Maneuver

Dice Supply: 1

Cooldown Track Icon: While this die is in your cooldown track, you may move through enemies. After moving, deal 2 damage to each enemy you moved through.
Cooldown Track Icon: While this die is in your cooldown track, you may move through enemies. After moving, heal 1 HP for each enemy you moved through.

If you move through the same enemy multiple times during a single move action, does this deal damage per occurrence?

Each enemy is only damaged once, regardless of how many times you move through them during a single move action.



Dice Supply: 1

Cooldown Track Icon: While this die is in your cooldown track, if you are in Light Weapon Icon or Heavy Weapon Icon at the end of your turn, you may roll 1 enemy Combat die against each adjacent enemy individually. Rolled damage is true damage.

Wind Walker

Dice Supply: 1

Cooldown Track Icon: While this die is in your cooldown track, your non-enduring class abilities cost X fewer tenacity (to a minimum of 1).

Level 3

Expert Evasion

Dice Supply: 1

Cooldown Track Icon: While this die is in your cooldown track, if you are dealt damage, you may prevent all of that damage and immediately recover this die.
Cooldown Track Icon: While this die is in your cooldown track, when you are engaged by an enemy, you may gain up to 3 light fatigue. For each fatigue gained, you may treat 1 enemy Combat die as a miss.

Duelist's Rebuff

Dice Supply: 1

Cooldown Track Icon: While this die is in your cooldown track, if you are dealt damage by an adjacent enemy, you may prevent that damage and force the enemy to deal the damage to a different enemy adjacent to you instead. When this die would be recovered, drain it instead.
Cooldown Track Icon: While this die is in your cooldown track, if you take damage from an enemy engage, you may deal the amount of damage taken to an adjacent enemy and immediately recover this die.

Level 4


Dice Supply: 1

Cooldown Track Icon: While this die is in your cooldown track, once per engage, you may reroll any 1 of your skill dice that results in a Tenacity Icon. You still gain the tenacity from the initial result.

Can I benefit from the reroll Defiance provides during the same engage that it has been placed into the cooldown track?

Yes, you are allowed to use the reroll the same turn, as long as you do it before resolving any more dice.
