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One Hand and Shield One Hand and Shield

Associated Stat: Stamina

Required Battle Form: Light Weapon Icon

Level 1

Shield Discipline

Dice Supply: 7

Active Slot Icon: When you place this die in an active slot, deal X damage to your target. When you are dealt damage by an enemy, you may exhaust this die to prevent X damage.

If I don't have a target, am I able to roll Shield Discipline dice?

Yes you may roll them with a target and place them in an active slot for the damage prevention.


Level 2

Heroic Slash

Dice Supply: 2

Instant Icon: Deal 2 damage to your target for each Shield Discipline die in your active slots.
Instant Icon: Exhaust any number of Shield Discipline dice from your active slots and deal 3 damage to your target for each die exhausted this way.

Level 3

Defensive Posture

Dice Supply: 1

Active Slot Icon: After you are engaged by an adjacent enemy, roll 1 enemy Combat die for each damage dealt to you. Deal the rolled damage back to the enemy. Then, exhaust this die.

Is this skill mandatory to trigger if I am engaged?

No, it is optional.


Would damage dealt by this skill trigger Riposte?



Shield Charge

Dice Supply: 1

Instant Icon: Recover any number of Shield Discipline dice from your active slots and cooldown track. Deal 1 damage to your target for each Shield Discipline die recovered this way.
Instant Icon: Deal 1 damage to your target for each One Hand and Shield skill die you have trained.

Level 4

Power Bash

Dice Supply: 1

Instant Icon: After this engage, remove all Shield Discipline dice from your cooldown track and active slots. Then, declare a target and roll the Shield Discipline dice as a free engage, applying the results as normal.