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Two Handed Two Handed

Associated Stat: The fallback content to display on prerendering

Required Battle Form: The fallback content to display on prerendering

Level 1

Wrecking Blow

Dice Supply: 6

The fallback content to display on prerendering: Deal 2 damage to your target.
The fallback content to display on prerendering: Deal 3 damage to your target. Then, gain 2 light The fallback content to display on prerendering or 1 overfatigue.

Level 2


Dice Supply: 2

The fallback content to display on prerendering: Deal 4 damage to your target. After this The fallback content to display on prerendering, gain a The fallback content to display on prerendering status die.
The fallback content to display on prerendering: Deal 5 damage to your target.

Level 3


Dice Supply: 1

The fallback content to display on prerendering: Deal 2 damage to your target for each The fallback content to display on prerendering in your The fallback content to display on prerendering.
The fallback content to display on prerendering: Remove up to 1 The fallback content to display on prerendering from your The fallback content to display on prerendering for each The fallback content to display on prerendering The fallback content to display on prerendering. Place 1 of the remove fatigue on each of those enemies. Enemies with fatigue on them cannot target you. At the end of the round, these fatigue dice are removed.


Dice Supply: 1

The fallback content to display on prerendering: Gain 2 light The fallback content to display on prerendering or 1 overfatigue to immediately defeat an The fallback content to display on prerendering non-The fallback content to display on prerendering that has less HP than you do.

Level 4

Balanced Blade

Dice Supply: 1

The fallback content to display on prerendering: Each time you would gain an The fallback content to display on prerendering, you may place it in an The fallback content to display on prerendering, if possible. On your turn, if all of your active slots are full, you may The fallback content to display on prerendering this die and deal 2 damage to an The fallback content to display on prerendering The fallback content to display on prerendering for each overfatigue in your active slots. Then, place all overfatigue in your active slots back in the supply.
The fallback content to display on prerendering: Each time you would gain The fallback content to display on prerendering, you may place it in an The fallback content to display on prerendering, if possible. As soon as all active slots are full, exhaust this die and place all overfatigue in your active slots back in the supply.

When can I use the "On your turn, if all of your active slots are full..." part of Balanced Blade?

"On your turn" without specifying that it's a separate action, can be done anytime on your turn including during an engage.



Dice Supply: 1

The fallback content to display on prerendering: Deal damage to your target equal to your current HP. Deal half of this damage (rounded up) to all other The fallback content to display on prerendering The fallback content to display on prerendering to you.
The fallback content to display on prerendering: Deal damage to your target equal to your current The fallback content to display on prerendering stat. Deal half of this damage (rounded up) to all other The fallback content to display on prerendering The fallback content to display on prerendering to you.