๐๏ธ Cooldown
The value of the slot where your peg is placed above the cooldown track is your Cooldown stat. This is the number of dice removed from your cooldown track during the Recovery step of each of your turns in battle. Start from the left and remove dice equal to your stat value. Slide the remaining dice as far left as possible toward the edge of the track.
๐๏ธ Defense
The amount of damage prevented each time an engage or ability deals damage to a unit.
๐๏ธ Health
This stat's attribute token has a base value that is added to its red square tokens. HP chips are stacked underneath an adventurer's chip and removed to indicate how much damage they have taken relative to their Health stat. The Health stat's total limits the value of HP chips that an adventurer can have. Red chips represent 1 HP and white chips represent 5 HP. You can adjust your adventurer's HP between red and white HP chips as needed. An adventurer is defeated when they lose their last HP.
๐๏ธ Magicka
This stat is tracked by blue square tokens and represents the adventurer's capacity to roll dice for spellcasting skills, as well as those skills' range. Not all adventurers require Magicka, so unlike the other stats, it may be untrained.
๐๏ธ Stamina
This stat is tracked by green square tokens and represents the adventurer's capacity to move and roll dice for physical skills. Stamina limits some adventurer actions during battle turns, including their movement and explore action distance, as well as their engage action range and number of dice they can roll.