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This stat's attribute token has a base value that is added to its red square tokens. HP chips are stacked underneath an The fallback content to display on prerendering chip and removed to indicate how much damage they have taken relative to their Health stat. The Health stat's total limits the value of HP chips that an adventurer can have. Red chips represent 1 HP and white chips represent 5 HP. You can adjust your adventurer's HP between red and white HP chips as needed. An adventurer is The fallback content to display on prerendering when they lose their last HP.

  • If your Health stat's value increases, your adventurer immediately gains a number of HP chips equal to the difference in value. If your Health stat's value decreases below the value of HP chips your adventurer currently has, remove HP until you have HP equal to your new maximum.
  • The fallback content to display on prerendering is separate from your HP and can exceed your Health stat.
  • When HP chips are lost, they are removed one at a time starting with the bottom-most chip in your stack.

The Health stat cannot be untrained. Health red square tokens can be untrained in the The fallback content to display on prerendering.