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When this unit rolls Combat skill dice, the total damage rolled is reduced by half, then The fallback content to display on prerendering down. This effect does not apply to The fallback content to display on prerendering.


Is damage rounded down per die or cumulative total of all damage dealt by Combat dice?

The damage is reduced for the total amount of damage rolled. You sum the value of all rolled Combat dice and reduced by half (rounded down).

If a unit rolls 1 damage on it's Combat skill dice, how much damage does it deal?

The 1 is halved to 0.5, which rounded down is 0. Therefore, the unit will deal 0 damage.

How does Maim interact with rolling Combat dice in The fallback content to display on prerendering battle form?

Maim only interacts with damage dealt, so you may still freely roll Combat dice and place them in The fallback content to display on prerendering.

If an adventurer with Maim rolls skill dice alongside Combat dice is the damage of these skill dice also reduced by half?

Only the damage dealt by Combat dice is halved, all other damage is unaffected.
