Skyshards () are fragments of Aetherial Magicka that fell to Nirn. You can find them scattered across Tamriel, especially in hidden places. They are represented as icons on some delve cards, which identify the tile revealed by that card as a skyshard location. A delve is fully The fallback content to display on prerendering when all of its skyshards have been revealed and gained. Unless the encounter specifies otherwise, 3 skyshards are required. This can be any combination of skyshard icons gained on faceup delve cards or facedown delve cards treated as skyshards.
Gaining Skyshards
When an adventurer moves into a hex on a tile with a skyshard, they immediately gain that tile's skyshards and resolve the tile's skyshard effect; this interrupts the adventurer's action but does not end it, similar to a The fallback content to display on prerendering check.
Place the skyshard card near the delve encounter text to show the total number the party has gained. Some cards may grant more than 1 skyshard. If these additional skyshards exceed the maximum for the current delve, they are ignored.
Do you get XP for Skyshards if an encounter was failed?
If the battle had an Uncover objective even if the encounter was failed, so long as the party was not defeated you gain Skyshard XP.
Can I choose not to pick up a Skyshard?
No, when you enter a tile with a skyshard you must pick it up. Even if the delve has a battle objective that does not relate to Skyshards.