Social Checks
Some encounters give the party the opportunity to resolve a social check to access otherwise unavailable choices or to gain additional rewards. If the party succeeds at a social check, it gains the benefits described. If the party fails, the associated choice cannot be selected or the additional reward is not gained. Each social check can be attempted only once.
Difficulty Value
A social check can be made only during an encounter that specifically offers the choice to perform one and includes its difficulty value in parentheses within that choice's text. A difficulty value is typically based on a fixed value that is either added to or multiplied by the number of adventurers (The fallback content to display on prerendering).
Social Check Sequence
1. Gather and Roll Dice
Adventurers with relevant skill dice, usually Speech dice, may choose to gather and roll available dice that would assist them in the social check.
2. Spend Tenacity
Each adventurer may choose to spend any amount of The fallback content to display on prerendering. The party can discuss these decisions together, but each adventurer must then commit to spend their own The fallback content to display on prerendering.
3. Resolve the Attempt
Compare the party's total die results and spent The fallback content to display on prerendering to the difficulty value. If the combined total equals or exceeds the social check difficulty, you succeed at the check and gain the described benefit in addition to the choice's outcome. If the total is less than the difficulty, you fail the check but resolve the choice's outcome as described. Regardless of success, all skill dice rolled in the social check are exhausted.
Speech in Social Checks
Before The fallback content to display on prerendering spend any The fallback content to display on prerendering to resolve a social check, adventurers with available Speech skill dice in their attribute slots may choose to roll any number of those skill dice (regardless of their The fallback content to display on prerendering). Instead of resolving the effects of the rolled results, the numeric values on the rolled results count toward the party's social check, reducing the amount of tenacity that must be spent to succeed at the check. Regardless of success, all rolled dice are exhausted.