These encounters are described in the gazetteer and are triggered when the party ends its overland movement in a town or rolls a result on the unstable die while at an unstable landmark (see The fallback content to display on prerendering).
Some towns can become closed as a result of encounters or quests. When this happens, the party must note it in the campaign journal. While a town is closed, the party cannot move into that town's hex.
To resolve a town encounter, refer to the town's entry in the gazetteer and follow these steps:
1. Check Town Effect
Resolve this effect if it is triggered at the start of the encounter.
Some town encounters have an effect section that can trigger an event before adventurers take their individual actions. This section of the town entry describes how it is triggered. Some town effects can only be resolved once during a session. If this is the case, that encounter will instruct the party to record the effects in its journal.
Some town effects offer multiple choices. If so, the party must choose only 1 when it resolves that event.
2. Reveal Trainer and Shop
Most towns have a shop feature and a trainer feature, each of which has components that must be revealed.
Draw a number of common item () and legendary item (
) cards equal to the shop's values for each type and place those cards faceup. Items not taken from the shop are The fallback content to display on prerendering at the end of the town encounter.
Draw the number of skill line tokens specified in the gazetteer entry from the trainer bag and place them within reach of all players. If a trainer's constellation icon is faded out, set aside any skill line token of that constellation that is drawn and redraw another, returning the set-aside tokens to the bag when done. Tokens not taken from the trainer are returned to the trainer bag at the end of the town encounter.
3. Complete Side Quests
If the party has side quest cards that can be completed during a town encounter, gain those quests' rewards and discard those cards now.
4. Town Actions
Each adventurer may take up to 2 actions during a town encounter—representing the resources provided by your guild to purchase services and supplies in towns. For each action, an adventurer can use 1 of the town's features, which are shown in the gazetteer, or use the guild town action on the party's guild card.
There are 2 types of action:
Personal Actions
These actions are chosen individually and can be resolved simultaneously with those of other adventurers. Using a town feature is a personal action unless otherwise noted. An adventurer can spend multiple actions to use the same town feature during an encounter, except the town square, which each adventurer can choose once per town encounter.
Group Actions
These actions must be taken cooperatively and appear with the word "group" after their name (some quest steps also require the party to take a group town action). Each adventurer must contribute 1 of their town actions towards a group action.
Which town actions are group actions?
All town actions are considered to be personal town actions unless otherwise stated. A group town action will be specifically labelled as a group action.