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End of Day Phase

This phase is divided into 2 parts. First, the activation of any province effect on the overland map is resolved. Then, the party rests and may trade items.

1. Activate Province Effect

The fallback content to display on prerendering have province effects that are resolved during the End of Day Phase. You can learn more about each individual province's effect by checking for this information in the related gazetteer. If the effect is tracked using tokens on the map's hexes or a gauge along its edge, check whether those tokens activate.

To do so, follow the substeps below in order:

  • Refer to the overland icon on the current peaceful overland card. If the party drew a peaceful encounter card during the The fallback content to display on prerendering, refer to that card's icon. If the party did not draw a peaceful overland card, draw 1 now. Then, compare the overland icon to the key in the front of the gazetteer to determine if the province effect activates. If it does, follow the province's rules to resolve the activation. Some cards have no icon, and the effect of this is also explained in the province's rules. If the card has multiple icons, resolve each icon in the order they appear from left to right.

  • The fallback content to display on prerendering or cycle the current overland card(s). If the party resolved a card's encounter during the The fallback content to display on prerendering, discard it. If the party drew a separate peaceful overland card for this phase (to resolve its overland icon), cycle it to the bottom of the deck.

2. Adventurers Rest

During this step, the adventurers The fallback content to display on prerendering, remove dice from their cooldown tracks, and exchange items with each other.

Expert Difficulty

On Expert difficulty, an adventurer must discard an item to resolve this step. If the discarded item is a The fallback content to display on prerendering, the adventurer may resolve that item's effects before discarding it (if applicable).

  • Each adventurer heals for a number of HP based on the game's difficulty—including defeated adventurers, who are revived when their HP is raised above 0.

    • Apprentice: Heal for 2 HP
    • Adept and Expert: Heal for 1 HP
  • Each adventurer chooses and removes a number of dice from their cooldown track based on the game's difficulty. The dice can be of any type and in any position in their cooldown track, so this is not a Recovery step and is not impacted by their The fallback content to display on prerendering stat.

    • Apprentice: Remove 2 dice.
    • Adept and Expert: Remove 1 die.

Can I remove The fallback content to display on prerendering dice?

Yes, you may remove any die from your cooldown track, including overfatigue.

  • Each adventurer may trade any number of item cards with other adventurers, move items freely between their ready slots and pack, and discard items.

  • Trigger any effects with "end of day" timing, such as the party's guild assist ability.

This completes the day, start over at the The fallback content to display on prerendering.