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Reward Phase

The party gains any rewards from the encounter it resolved during the previous phase. Then, the party members update their adventurers, following the steps below in order.

If an encounter has a reward, it is shown as an XP Icon icon next to the encounter or described in its text.

1. Gain Rewards

Gain all XP or other rewards for succeeding at the encounter. If you failed, do not gain the encounter's rewards. The party leader increases the party's total The fallback content to display on prerendering earned on the XP Dial by the value next to the XP Icon icon. Each player also adds this amount to their current unspent XP balance on their adventurer mat. This unspent amount can exceed 3 until the end of the Reward Phase. If it does, the player keeps track of the total themselves. Players may spend XP in the Gain Advancements step.

  • Some encounters refer to gaining The fallback content to display on prerendering. This XP is not added to the party's XP Dial, but must instead be tracked by individual adventurers. It is otherwise spent and treated like standard XP.

  • The fallback content to display on prerendering XP rewards in delves are gained after an encounter with an Uncover objective even if the encounter was failed, so long as the party was not defeated.

  • If other rewards are gained, such as item cards or advancements; do as the encounter instructs. If an advancement is gained, add it to each affected adventurer's mat during this step.

  • If the party's overland token is at an unstable landmark (Unstable Landmark Icon) and it completes a peaceful or conflict overland encounter, or The fallback content to display on prerendering town encounter, each adventurer gains 2 The fallback content to display on prerendering, regardless of whether the encounter was successful.

  • If the party gains a special achievement, such as a quest keyword or access to a closed town—record it in the campaign journal.

2. Untrain

Each adventurer may untrain and remove (at no The fallback content to display on prerendering cost) any skill lines, skill dice, or stat tokens to make room for other advancements.

  • Skill lines can be untrained. If a skill line is untrained, all of the dice for that line must be removed. The fallback content to display on prerendering spent on those advancements is not regained. Skill lines and dice that have been previously untrained can be added again by training and spending XP.

  • If skill dice are untrained, slide the remaining dice along the row toward the skill line token to fill any gaps between that line's dice, so that the farthest slots along that line are empty and there are no gaps between that line's dice.

  • The The fallback content to display on prerendering and The fallback content to display on prerendering stats, as well as the Combat skill line, cannot be untrained, but their square tokens or dice can be. The The fallback content to display on prerendering stat can be untrained.

3. Gain Advancements

Each adventurer may spend The fallback content to display on prerendering on advancements. An adventurer's saved XP cannot exceed 3. At the end of the Reward Phase, each unspent The fallback content to display on prerendering in excess of 3 increases your The fallback content to display on prerendering tracker by 1, up to that track's maximum. Each adventurer may spend The fallback content to display on prerendering on advancements or complete any other advancements gained from the encounter's rewards. Saved XP may be spent, whether gained from this encounter or unspent from previous encounters.

4. Track Quests

Track any progress made toward the party's quests that requires notes in the party's journal, such as tallying encounters.


Does a defeated adventurer still gain XP for an encounter?

Yes, all adventurers get rewards if the encounter was successful, even if they themselves were defeated.
