The crisis currently affecting Tamriel is far more vast than a single session can uncover. Your party can move on to the endgame of the campaign only after completing 2 game sessions, after which it will have earned enough success and experience to (hopefully) thwart a major threat to Tamriel.
Each The fallback content to display on prerendering has its own endgame rules, which are described in its gazetteer. Endgame quests are different in several important ways. Each has a shorter day limit than a guild quest session, which is stated in its rules. Endgame quests represent a more intense session that presents the party with encounter after encounter. For this reason, endgame quests do not use overland movement for the party.
Follow these steps to begin the endgame:
- Read the endgame rules for your province and reset the Day Dial to 1 (or to a value assigned by the endgame rules).
- Set up the province's map and follow any additional setup instructions. Place tokens on each overland track for that province—such as The fallback content to display on prerendering weather track. Do not place a party token on the overland map.
- Refer to the endgame section to find your first step.
During each day of the endgame quest, the players complete each of the game's phases with the following exceptions.
- The fallback content to display on prerendering: The party still advances the Day Dial, but it does not need to compare the dial to the day limit.
- The fallback content to display on prerendering: Skip the Move Party step; the party's location is not represented by a token on the map, and abilities related to overland movement are ignored. During the Trigger Encounter step, the party automatically triggers the next endgame encounter in order.
- The fallback content to display on prerendering: Skip the Activate Province Effect step unless instructed. Overland cards are not drawn during the endgame.
Each endgame encounter is labeled with the day when it is resolved. The party completes each encounter in order.
Read the endgame encounter and complete any setup described. Then, refer to the The fallback content to display on prerendering section of that day's encounter and resolve any effects for your party's keywords before or during the encounter.
Final Victory and Defeat
If your party successfully completes the endgame, you win the campaign! You have ended the crisis and saved Tamriel from utter disaster—at least for the moment. If your party fails the endgame, either by being defeated or failing to successfully complete the objective of an endgame step, your campaign ends in failure.