Cyrodiil [CY]
Native Skill: The fallback content to display on prerendering
Endgame Day 1 - Breton Marauder should be Wood Elf
In Encounter Setup for Cyrodiil's Endgame Day 1, when you are told to deploy a level 5: Breton Marauder, you should instead deploy a level 5: Wood Elf Marauder.
The Breton cannot be used because it is on the backside of the level 1: Breton Bandit which is also used in this encounter. The Wood Elf is also what was intended for thematic purposes.
SourceFort Warden - Should auto-succeed social check on day 1
Fort Warden's The fallback content to display on prerendering should be automatically successful on day 1.
The text for this The fallback content to display on prerendering should say "If the Daggerfall Covenant is dominant, or if it is day 1, this check is automatically successful." This matches the other starting towns in Cyrodiil with social checks.
The guilds that start you in Fort Warden are the The fallback content to display on prerendering (A01), The fallback content to display on prerendering (A20), and The fallback content to display on prerendering (A33).
SourceCyrodiil D04 (Mages Guild) - companions can't block enemies from spawning
By normal rules, if an enemy would deploy to a numbered hex that is already occupied, you would skip that hex and deploy the enemy to the next numbered hex instead. However, in this quest step, it is meant to be stated that if a numbered hex is occupied/blocked, the enemy deploys to the closest unoccupied hex.
With so few numbered hexes on this map (4 as opposed to the normal 8), it's is not intended that you can just block those hexes to avoid the enemies deploying altogether.