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Quests are the goals your party is tasked with completing. Quests that your party has accepted but not completed or The fallback content to display on prerendering are active quests.

Guild Quests

Your party can have only 1 active The fallback content to display on prerendering quest at a time, which defines the party's main quest for that session. If the party is unable to complete its guild quest by the end of day 12 or fails any of that quest's steps, it has failed at the session's goal, which ends both the session and The fallback content to display on prerendering.

Guild quests are specific to a single province of Tamriel. They also frequently identify 1 or more The fallback content to display on prerendering—unique, powerful units who need to be located and either defeated or aided to complete that quest and the session.

The guild quest's steps appear in the current The fallback content to display on prerendering gazetteer. Your party's guild is represented by the guild card, which shows the guild's icon. Each guild card also describes an ability the party's adventurers can use as an action during The fallback content to display on prerendering encounters.

Once during each campaign, the party can call on its guild's support for a dramatic, sudden assist either during battle or to help it move quickly across the overland map. This is called a The fallback content to display on prerendering.

Quest Steps

Guild quests are broken into multiple steps in the gazetteer that must each be completed one at a time by following specific instructions. Players are not permitted to read ahead to future quest steps unless specifically instructed. Each step has a code with a letter and number, identifying its order within its quest and number within its gazetteer. Steps within a quest are resolved in alphabetical order, beginning with Step A. The party completes its quest step at the end of an The fallback content to display on prerendering in which that step's objective requirements are met or that step is failed (unless the quest specifies a different timing).

When the current step is completed, proceed to the next as directed; then, read that step's instructions. The final step of a quest is the epilogue step. This does not trigger an encounter, but instead completes the quest's story and gives the party a The fallback content to display on prerendering that may come in handy in a future session.

Quest keywords do not have inherent rules but can affect the choices available in future quests and the conditions for the campaign's The fallback content to display on prerendering. Epilogue steps also control the choices available to the party for its next guild quest.

The party fails its quest step if it fails that step's quest encounter unless that quest step says otherwise, regardless of if it is a peaceful or battle encounter. The quest step describes if a peaceful quest encounter can be failed, or if a battle encounter can be failed without that quest also failing. If the party fails its quest step, its session and The fallback content to display on prerendering. While a guild quest remains active, leave the gazetteer open to the current step or bookmark it so that it is ready to reference.


What happens if you lose a quest step encounter?

If you lose a quest step encounter, unless otherwise stated, you lose the game and cannot continue.


Linked Steps

Some quest steps are directly linked to the previous step and must be completed during the same day. If a step is linked in this way, its instructions will indicate that its encounter must be triggered immediately after completing the current step and explain how this affects the current day's phases (such as delaying the The fallback content to display on prerendering).

Ending the Session

A game session ends after the party either succeeds or fails at its guild quest. If you succeed, complete that day's The fallback content to display on prerendering but skip the The fallback content to display on prerendering. Instead, follow the steps under The fallback content to display on prerendering to save your game for the next session in the campaign.

If you succeed at your second session's guild quest, you can proceed to the The fallback content to display on prerendering at the start of your next session. You must succeed at that session's quest to win the campaign.

If you fail any of your guild quest's steps or have not succeeded at your guild quest by the end of the session's 12-day limit, you fail that quest. This ends the game session and the campaign.