Every guild quest, along with several side quests and encounters, allows the party to gain a quest keyword upon completion. These keywords do not have rules themselves but can be referenced by other quests or encounters. Most importantly, they can modify the endgame's difficulty. During the endgame, each encounter's setup describes which keywords affect it and how. The party compares its keywords to those listed in encounter setup and resolves the relevant effects.
Major Keywords
These are gained from completing a guild quest and provide a benefit to your campaign's endgame. You only gain 1 major keyword during a session.
Important: If your party uses its The fallback content to display on prerendering ability during a session, it must record that in the Major Keyword field in the journal and cannot gain a major keyword from its guild quest for that session.
Minor Keywords
These are gained from side quests or other encounters. They can have either a positive or negative impact on your endgame, but are not guaranteed to appear in it; players should weigh this when deciding whether to pursue minor keywords There is no limit to the number of minor keywords you can gain during a session. Note that if a minor keyword is gained multiple times, you must record it in the campaign journal each time it is gained.