๐๏ธ Active Slot
Dice placed in active slots are referred to as active dice. An active die remains in its slot until you remove it as described in its skill line's reference sheet or at the end of battle. You can have no more than 4 dice in your active slots at a time.
๐๏ธ Adjacent
Hexes are adjacent to each other when they share a common edge.
๐๏ธ Adventurer
Each player-created adventurer is a party member, whether they are your specific adventurer or another player's. If an effect's value is determined using the party size icon (), it is based only on the number of adventurers in the party.
๐๏ธ Bonus HP
Some abilities cause an adventurer to gain bonus HP. These HP chips are not added to the stack beneath the adventurer's chip, but instead are placed near their battle form tracker on the adventurer mat. When an adventurer with bonus HP takes damage, the bonus HP chips must be removed first, before removing HP chips from under the adventurer chip. However, if the adventurer takes true damage, their regular HP must be removed instead of bonus HP.
๐๏ธ Bonus XP
Bonus XP is not added to the party's XP Dial, but must instead be tracked by individual adventurers. It is otherwise spent and treated like standard XP.
๐๏ธ Cache
Caches are locked containers found on the battle map that adventurers may open to gain item cards. Each chip contains 1 common item card. Each chip contains 1 legendary item card.
๐๏ธ Cannot
If a component's effect uses the word "cannot", that effect cannot be overruled by another game effect.
๐๏ธ Closest
When a rule or effect refers to the closest hex, feature, or token, it means the route to that feature or token that consists of the fewest hexes between that feature and the component being measured to (or from).
๐๏ธ Companion
A companion is a unit that is under the ongoing control of either the entire party or a specific adventurer. Companion units can be gained through encounter text or adventurer abilities. It is possible for enemy chips and quest units to become companions.
๐๏ธ Cooldown Track
Dice are placed here as the adventurer exhausts their skill dice or gains fatigue and status effect dice. The Cooldown stat determines the number of dice that are removed from the track each turn.
๐๏ธ Defeated
A unit is defeated when it loses its last HP chip or an effect states that it is defeated. The defeated unit is removed from the map. A defeated unit cannot take turns.
๐๏ธ Discard
When a player is instructed to discard a card, die, or chip, they do the following:
๐๏ธ Drained
This skill die's ability is resolved instantly as described in its entry. Then, that die is placed on the adventurer's race sheet. It is unavailable for the remainder of the battle and is considered drained.
๐๏ธ Effect Timing
Some abilities have effects that depend on others for timing or have multiple effects. These abilities are resolved following the rules below:
๐๏ธ Enduring
This class ability does not require tenacity to be spent. Instead, it is active while your tenacity is equal to or greater than the required value. The ability is no longer in effect if your tenacity drops below this number.
๐๏ธ Enemy
All opposing units to the party are considered enemies, regardless of their level.
๐๏ธ Farthest
When a rule or effect refers to the farthest hex, feature, or token, it means the route to that feature or token that consists of the most hexes between that feature and the component being measured to (or from).
๐๏ธ Fatigue Damage
At the start of each fatigue round, each adventurer gains 1 overfatigue die. Then, each adventurer is dealt true damage equal to the total number of overfatigue in their cooldown track.
๐๏ธ Fatigue
These dice are placed in your adventurer's cooldown track when they gain fatigue. There are 2 types of fatigue. If a game effect refers to fatigue without specifying its type, that effect can apply to either type.
๐๏ธ Free
Some abilities allow units to perform an additional engage, roll additional dice during an engage, or move additional hexes. When clarification is needed, these abilities sometimes use the term "free". These abilities follow the rules below.
๐๏ธ Gaining/Losing Health
Some effects can affect a unit's Health stat or its HP chips.
๐๏ธ Guild Assist
Once per campaign, the party may trigger its guild assist, either during a battle at the end of a round or during the End of Day Phase's Adventurers Rest step. A guild assist can be triggered only during Sessions 1 or 2 and cannot be triggered during the Session 3 endgame quest.
๐๏ธ Healing
An effect that refers to healing a unit allows it to recover the specified amount of HP chips. A unit cannot heal in excess of its Health stat.
๐๏ธ Impassable
A battle map hex is impassable when a rule specifies that it is or contains an obstacle that is impassable, such as another tile used as an obstacle. Red hexes shown in clash or dungeon setup diagrams are impassable hexes. Place a facedown tile of the same shape as the red area over these hexes during setup to indicate this Impassable hexes cannot contain chips. If a hex that contains a chip becomes impassable, remove that chip and place it in the closest unoccupied hex.
๐๏ธ Increase/Reduce
When an ability increases or reduces the value of a die, rotate that die's face to increase or decrease its value by the amount indicated. Dice values cannot be increased or reduced beyond the values printed on them.
๐๏ธ Instant
This skill die's ability is resolved instantly as described in its entry. Then, that die is exhausted.
๐๏ธ Interrupt
This class ability may be triggered according to its text's timing, either during a unit's turn or outside battle. If another ability or game effect would be resolved, the interrupt ability is resolved first. If 2 interrupt abilities would be resolved at the same time, the party decides which ability is resolved first.
๐๏ธ Lockpicking
Adventurers frequently need to pick locks in order to open caches or disarm traps. To do so, the adventurer makes a lockpick check against the mechanism's difficulty code. If they succeed, they pick the lock or disarm the trap, even if in the middle of an action. If they fail, that lock remains in place or the trap's effect is tripped.
๐๏ธ May
The word "may" always indicates a choice.
๐๏ธ Move/Place
Some abilities grant additional movement, which may occur outside of a typical move action. There are also abilities that place a unit, which is different than moving it. Placing a unit is resolved by removing that unit from the map (or from outside the map) and placing it in a hex as described.
๐๏ธ Obstacle
Some battle encounters use tiles as obstacles that prevent movement through hexes. These tiles are placed facedown on top of other tiles, typically during setup. These are the most common obstacles encountered and follow the rules below.
๐๏ธ Occupied/Unoccupied
A hex is occupied when it contains a unit (or overland token) and unoccupied when it does not.
๐๏ธ Party Size
Throughout your game, you will frequently see encounter and effect text referring to the party size () icon. This icon is a variable that represents a number equal to the number of adventurers in the party (whether defeated or not). Companions are not counted when determining this number.
๐๏ธ Party
The party can include both adventurer and companion units.
๐๏ธ Persistent
Some abilities or effects are persistent. They remain in play until instructed by the effect or until the end of the current session. Keep cards with persistent effects near the play area as a reminder. Log persistent effects from other sources in the campaign journal (such as quest steps), crossing them out when they no longer apply.
๐๏ธ Quest Unit
White unit chips with a brown border are quest units, which only appear in battles related to quests or to a province's special rules. Quest units are not mixed into draw bags at setup or after battles.
๐๏ธ Range
Range (or distance) from one hex to another is measured by counting the number of hexes between those hexes, including the destination hex, regardless of whether those hexes are occupied.
๐๏ธ Recover
When an exhausted skill die is removed from the cooldown track by your Recovery step or another effect, you recover that die. Place it in the correct slot in your attribute rows. That die is immediately available to use. When a status effect die is removed from the cooldown track, return it to the supply.
๐๏ธ Remove
Some abilities refer to units removing other units from the map. Removing a unit is not the same as defeating a unit, so follow the rules below.
๐๏ธ Roll a D6
If a player is ever instructed to roll a D6, that player should use the same six-sided dice used for lockpick checks. When rolling one of these dice as a D6 outside of a lockpick check, players cannot use skills or other effects that can manipulate those dice during lockpick checks.
๐๏ธ Rounding
If a game effect requires players to round a number, but does not specify how, it is rounded down.
๐๏ธ Sight
Some actions and abilities require that the unit resolving them has sight to another unit or a hex on the battle map. A unit has sight to another unit (or hex) if both units are in hexes on the same tile or an adjacent tile.
๐๏ธ Status Effect
See also: Status Effects.
๐๏ธ Strongest
The opposing unit with the highest HP (not including bonus HP).
๐๏ธ Targetable
A unit is targetable by another unit if it is in range and sight of the unit that would target it and does not have an effect that prevents it from being targeted. An adventurer's range
๐๏ธ Temporary Stats
Some effects can temporarily adjust a unit's stat. When this happens, treat that stat's value as the value it has been temporarily changed to. If the unit is an adventurer, do not add or adjust tokens on their adventurer mat.
๐๏ธ Tenacity
When you gain tenacity (), you track it using the peg slots at the bottom right side of your adventurer mat. Accumulated tenacity remains until it is spent to trigger a class ability or reduced by another effect. If you increase your tenacity to its maximum value, you cannot increase it again until you spend (or lose) some tenacity.
๐๏ธ Toward
When a rule or effect directs a unit (or overland token) to move toward a unit or other component, that unit should move as close as possible to that component along the shortest route possible between hexes.
๐๏ธ Trap
Traps represent harmful mechanical or magical effects. They appear in red boxes on many delve cards.
๐๏ธ True Damage
This type of damage is only dealt by specified effects, such as overfatigue damage. True damage cannot be prevented or reduced by abilities unless they specifically affect true damage. True damage ignores any bonus HP and reduces the unit's HP instead.
๐๏ธ Turn
During a battle round, each unit on the battle map takes a turn. Some abilities are limited to a certain number of uses per turn; that limit is reset at the start of each unit's turn (not just the turn of the unit that can resolve that ability).
๐๏ธ Unit
A unit is defined as any chip in the game with the following characteristics:
๐๏ธ Weakest
The opposing unit with the lowest HP (not including bonus HP).
๐๏ธ XP (Experience Points)
The party's total gained XP is tracked by the XP dial. An adventurer's unspent saved XP is tracked on the Saved XP track on the adventurer mat.
๐๏ธ You
Card text and other effects frequently address the player or players as "you". This can mean different things depending on the context.